Tuesday 8 May 2012

Ways for Bank Saving

Financial advisors (financieel adviseur) always recommend saving money regularly. It is extremely important that in such times of financial crisis you have some back up of money. Bank savings (banksparen) serve as important pillar for individuals in adverse time. Knowing that an individual already has savings for an emergency time will generally provoke the particular individual to have a certain secure feeling. Also you are in a better position plan for your future. Bank saving is very important for carefree living.

Below are the steps to follow for your financial health:

Make saving a priority –
Make sure that you think of saving money as the first thing every month. Get into the habit of thinking savings first. It has to be precedence and you must realize its importance. Money in the bank alters everything.

Settle up yourself first –
Always plan your expenditure with the savings in mind. Exclude the amount you wish to save first and then pan your expenses. Consider saving as a means of paying yourself. Do not fall into the trap of thinking there is not enough money to pay up the bills and save. For starters consider saving around 10 % of the money you plan to spend.

Make preserving money automatic –
There’s nothing like making savings automatic. Arrange an automatic carry-over from your current account to your savings account. Plan this to be done each month, each week or semi-weekly. That depends on you. By doing this, you would never forget to put money into savings. It is money that you would never see, so most probable you would not even miss it.

Balance your chequebook –
Post all transfers in your dealings cash register so you would know precisely what is in your account. Be organised. Balance your chequebook regularly to avoid surprises. Be regularly updated with the exact balance you have to the last penny. Although this may seem like a tedious process but pays off really well.

Do it now!
Stop delaying your plans to save money for yourself. Start with your bank saving immediately. The more you delay the more you lose security for your future. Money in the bank savings truly does alter everything. The sooner you start the better you can plan your life ahead.

Invest in schemes –
With growing economic uncertainties, banks have come up with various schemes to save money. These make sure that your saving is regulated on a monthly basis. Many of the even offer to multiply the amount up to some extent. This provides you more than the amount you save after a certain period of time. And because you plan such savings with the bank you can be sure that the offer is safe to invest in.

Savings make life much easier and secured. They are a boon to your loved ones in such uncertain circumstances. Savings are a key source of fulfilling your dreams like a holiday, education for children, buying a house etc. So do not compromise on your dreams by delaying your savings.

Tips to reduce cost on car insurance

For any kind of financial decision you take financial planning (financiele planning) is essential. To take the right decision and get financial advice (financieel advies) it is important you seek a financial planner (financieel planner) or financial advisor (financieel adviseur). Getting car insurance (autoverzekering) is also a financial decision as it involves your finance. Experts can truly tell you which would be the best policy to invest in and which would cost you less with maximum returns.

The cost of the car insurance is becoming more and more of an issue for the average family. There are an increasing numbers of people who are looking for cheap car insurance. There are many cheap options available in the market, but many wonder if they are worth buying at all.

A cheaper option for car insurance feels great at the time of paying the bill but if you choose a wrong company you could end up with a nightmare. Cheap car insurance may not turn out to be so attractive when making a claim.

In case you have found a discount car insurance broker don't just take the cheapest quote that you get. You need to find out a little about the insurance company that is offering the cheap car insurance rates.

There are ways in which you can try to reduce the cost of your car insurance even with the best of companies. Here are some tips for those looking for cheap car insurance to help reduce the cost of car insurance without compromising other things.

-    Check your deductible amount. The deductible amount is the amount you pay first out of any claim. The cost of your policy is directly related to this amount. There are many people, especially those who are paying the insurance from a long time, have never considered whether they ought to vary their deductible. For people with a good driving record and who are prepared to increase the risk of paying a larger amount in the event of a claim you can save money by increasing your deductible.

-    Consider the car model you have or are planning to buy. There are certain car makes that attract higher car insurance rates. These cars could be prime theft candidates cost more to insure. Thus before buying a car find out which makes and models would cost you more of insurance money.

-    Drive carefully. This tip is not only essential for your safety but important for lesser insurance bills as well. As you know your car insurance cost is a factor of your risk profile. Remember it is difficult to get a cheap deal for car insurance if you have a bad driving record. These things are all taken into account and you should take care with how you drive. It all adds up onto your bill.

-    Plan to secure your car with safety and anti theft devices. These also affect your risk profile. The more safe and less risky your vehicle the cheaper the insurance

So if you are looking out for cheap car insurance then make sure your vehicle and your record qualifies for one.